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The PTS Pride Performanc XL tee is a hybrid plastic/wood blend. These tees are super strong and have ridges to help with placement in the ground. As part of the Pride Performance. family, these tees also have the special low-resistance heads that provide less friction between the golf ball and tee.


Choose from 2 3/4" or 3 1/4" Performanc . Tee Sizes

Many golfers have a particular favorite size depending on the club being used. The 2 3/4" size is the most commonly ordered tee size and is great for drivers under 360cc. The longer 3 1/4" size is a popular size for all drivers.


2 3/4” - for drivers under 360cc

3 1/4” - for drivers over 360cc

Professional Tee System Pride PerformanceXL Hybrid Golf Tees - 15ct Packs

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